Is Your Dog a Leaner?
Posted on March 22 2022

Is Your Dog a Leaner?
Picture this, It's a friday evening, things are winding down for the week, you’re settling down onto the couch, and your dog cruises over. He leans his ribs against your knees, sighs, and stands there. Is this a common occurrence for you & your k9? For Co & I, this hits home, in-fact when we first met Co before we rescued him, a deciding factor to adopt him was when Co sat on my lap when i sat on the floor next to him. Love at first lean, or something like that! But why do dogs lean? In this blog, we dive into what causes a k9 to go to leany town.
We All Need Somebody to Lean On: Why Do Dogs Lean On Their Humans?

1. Warmth
Yup!, even with all their fur, dogs get cold sometimes, My boy Co is of athletic build, so when the days / nights are colder, then youll find him leaning on another humans legs for some added warmth.

Dogs take comfort in being physically close to their loved ones. Even when my boy and I have the whole house to ourselves, he tends to park right under my chair or next to my chair. Shy dogs especially may lean on their owners for comfort when they’re nervous or anxious. When Co was younger, he had some pretty crazy separation anxiety, and the leaning has stuck since we rescued him. Sometimes when his mum leaves for work, hell find me and lean hard against me while looking outside longingly for his mum to come back. Dogs are social animals, and we’ve bred them for thousands of years to want to be close to us, so this is to be expected, especially for some breeds.

3. To Get You to Move

4. To Ask for Something
How to Reduce Your Pooch’s Leaning
Below is an easy little trick we recommend to help you with your leany dog.
Stop rewarding the Lean
Your dog is currently using leaning on you as a way to get what he wants. That’s fine, but if it’s bothering you, you must stop rewarding him for doing it! He may try to double down on the lean – he may lean more often, longer, or harder before giving up, so be aware, and be firm.
Instead of giving your dog what he wants, when he leans on you, wait for him to stop leaning, and then call him over. Give him what he was asking for (whether that’s food, playtime, a toy, etc)- but on your terms! If he leans, barks, or paws at you for attention, ignore him. When he finally gives up, then you can pet him, play a game, or go for a walk.
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