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Not All Heros Wear Capes

Posted on August 16 2021

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Something that really tugs at our heartstrings are our chosen charities that we choose to support. Not all hero’s wear capes but these heroes help our fury little friends and we are so proud to be able to support them!

WISCA is nearest and dearest to us as they work right here on our beautiful little island of Waiheke. They are an independent Not for Profit organisation dedicated to promoting responsible pet ownership of Waiheke Island’s animals. They not only provide a safe haven for cats but they strive to find them a loving and informed home.

Visit Wisca HERE

Run by a beautiful team of doggie foster moms, their beautiful rescued canines and nationwide volunteers Chained Dog Rehabilitation and Rehoming educates and empowers chained owners improving the lives of their four legged friends. They work closely with Council Animal Shelters across NZ to help rehome puppies and pooches that haven’t yet been given a chance. Sometimes we just check out their Adopt page on their website and goo and gahh over the many beautiful dogs in need! 

Visit Chained Dog HERE


If you knew our packleader Jazz you would know she adores cats. Tuna and Yogi are her absolute world and they permanently live on her lap. So this particular Non for Profit organization is very near and dear to her heart. They help to educate, rescue, foster and adopt many of the stray and homeless kittens and cats that are starving, neglected and injured. This brave team of pussy cat lovers receive daily calls and emails and they know it’s not even the tip of the iceberg.

Visit Lonely Miaow HERE

Maybe you want to spend your loyalty points towards our chosen charities or just add a $2 donation to every few orders you make with us. Even spreading the word or sharing their Facebook posts makes a big difference to a cat or dog out there somewhere. We are so proud to be partnered with these amazing humans out there doing their thing for the greater good!  


 Vita & Astro Dog 


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