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Beach adventure guide

Posted on February 01 2021

Rollo Pooch here and the beach is paws down my absolute favourite place in the universe. I like to find the biggest baddest stick and lug it from one end to another - much to the dismay of the joggers going for their afternoon run, haven't they heard of hurdles?

I thought it was time to share some of my bestest tricks, tips and products to make your beach experience the best ever for you and your furry pal!

Times & Tides 

I wish I could be at the beach all day long but to keep everyone safe, happy and comfortable during the long summer days most NZ beaches will have specific dog access times. Dog beach times start from Labour weekend until the 31st March and as a general rule of thumb dog times are before 10am and after 6pm.  An awesome app that my fur mom uses is ‘Paw Planet’ . Not only does it have specific information for the beach you are planning to visit but it also gives you the do's and don'ts for that area too.  The app also lets you know about spots, walks and reserves that your dog can visit all day - everyday. Checking tides helps you take advantage of that extra space for your sandy salty woofer to run and romp around on.

Sharing is Caring 

We always need to make sure we are sharing that delicious sandy coastline with all our fellow fury pooches, humans and the large number of native wildlife that like to live at and around Nz beaches . Leashes, Longlines and muzzles are super handy for training, great for keeping that pup in line and can reduce friction with playful dogs if your like me and like to be left alone - with a stick of course!

Hydrate your Mate

Really what's a better feeling than quenching that thirst ? Lets look after our four legged mate and bring them some aqua for the road too, after all they are running a few more miles than we are! We have a selection of collapsable travel bowls and bottles perfect for on the move, at the beach or even after a big run and play with the other sandy doggos.

Sit, Wait, Throw!

Isn't fetch the ulti-MUTT beach game? A stick, ball of frisbee makes for a very engaging and playful afternoon. Not only will a quick game of fetch help you trust them more off lead, it will also keep them more occupied on you and less occupied on other dogs and wildlife. Take a look at our range of throwing toys below. 

Pick Up What You Put Down

It's a straightforward one, but one that is still very commonly ignored. If your dog does the business on the beach then it’s up to you to take one for the team and pick it up. Most beaches have poop bag dispensers by the entrances, but as a rule, it’s always good to keep one on hand just in case they have to go! We recommend Little Green Dog which is an awesome Local Waiheke Island brand that has a range of home compostable poop bags & holders to keep you ready for those messy moments. 


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