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Fun in the Sun

Posted on January 16 2020

Summer adventures are the best aren’t they? Strolls in the park, frisbee at the beach. There are endless ways to have fun this summer. Here at Pet Connect we have the Little Green Dog Sven who loves walking the Coastal and Native Bush walks here on Waiheke Island and Resident water baby Rollo who loves paddling boarding, swimming and the beach. We have put together the Ultimate Summer Adventures to have with your dog this summer and some wicked products that you can take with you. Yay! 


A Doggie Date

A doggie date is the perfect way for your pooch to socialise and play. We know your dog will relish meeting a newcomer and love having a new fido muse. Dogs meeting for the first time should happen in a neutral territory and owners will need to work to prevent conflict. Once the pooches have had the meet and greet they are sure to have a fabulous time. Remember every great Paw-ty has treats and refreshments.



Keep your pooch looking dapper for his or her date with a fabulous light weight bandanna that celebrates you’re pet's individuality. Some funky neck-wear not only looks dashing but when soaked in water can keep them as cool as a polar bears toenails.

The Beach

If your four legged friend is always keen for the occasional dip in the ocean, a salty waterside outing could be a fun and thrilling adventure. Theres nothing better than an obligatory game of fetch, a romp in the warm sand or a thrilling splash in the ocean to keep your dog on his paws.


Beco Travel Bowl

We always take fresh drinking water with us to the beach so its only fair your pooch should have water available too! The Beco Travel Bowl is a compactble silicon bowl that folds down, so it can be easily rolled, folded and transported, for anywhere - ensuring your pet always has water on the go. Easy to wash it can be used for dry food, wet food and water while out on outdoor shenanigans.


Chuckit Range

You can’t go to the beach and not have your punctual game of frisbee or fetch. The Chuckit range has everything you need from balls to floating bumpers. We personally love the chuck it Zipflight Frisbee which will get good distance without pulling your arm out, it floats better than a ship off the coast of Capri and is bright for high visibility. This amphibious flying ring is the best beach companion and must be added to the fetch toys arsenal.



A Hike

Im sure your fuzzy friend would be keen to ditch the rat race and head in to the bush for a walk with nature. There are always natural reserves, bush walks and coastal hikes near by that your pooch will have packing his bags. Always check that natural reserves and walks will allow canine hikers, as sometimes dogs can be detrimental to wildlife and fauna. 


Trixie 2 in 1 Snack Bag 

The best comrade for your summer trek has to be the Trixie 2 in 1 Snack Bag which holds your four legged best friends favourite treats. The D ring function holds your whistle or clicker and the side compartment holds your necessary compostable poop bags. The easy clip and loop means it attaches easily to your belt or bag. Yay!


Woof Dog Treats

Any adventure calls for treats and we haven’t yet met a fido friend that doesn’t love WOOF. Your treat stockpile should include these fantastic freeze dried treats which comes in a handy 50gm pack that will fit straight into your pocket, back pack or bum bag. Your scruffy sidekick will love the extra energy on his outdoor escapade and you can reward good behaviour on your walk with these super tasty treats.


The Dog Park

Looking for a space your dog can run around, socialise with the wider canine community, and to surely perk up your pooches spirits on a hot summers day, look no further than the Dog Park. The dog park allows your pup to socialise with other cool pooches and regular encounters with other breeds helps to establish good social behaviour and routines. 


Little Green Dog

Little Green Dog Compostable Poop bags are a must for those icky, smelly and to be quite frank gross bathroom visits at the park. Little Green Dog is the best in the business because it’s compostable not degradable (which means the plastic breaks down into micro plastics - boo!). 

Little Green Dog rolls fit perfectly into your standard size poop bag holder and are extra large having passed the mastif test.


Boat Trips

A voyage on the sea, is always a fun trip to be had with your canine side kick. A slow-paced kayak or Standup paddle board ride will suit the best behaved of dogs, or a trip out on the boat to a beautiful island for a wander is always the most fun. Imagine heading off into the sunset for an end of the day cast, or the dog sitting on the bow of the boat, his fur blowing in the summer wind. 


Ezy Dog Life Jackets

A total must have for any nautical adventure is the Ezydog Life Jacket which promises safety and looking ultra cool all into one package. What makes the Ezydog Life jacket totally awesome is that it allows your dog to swim upright and a functional grab handle allows you to pull that pooch back up on the paddle board with ease. Sailing the high seas and the Ezydog Life Jacket go hand in Paw and will be one of the best summer investments.


Petkin Sunmist

The Petkin Sunmist is the perfect companion for your on the water adventures. The sunblock comes in an easy spray bottle and protects your pup from the harmful ultraviolet rays. The non greasy formula is great for the coat, muzzle, ears and other exposed skin areas and its small size means it fits perfectly in your pocket, or yacht compartment.


Post Adventures

Adventures can get messy and while your pup will love the salt on his skin and sand in his fur, it won’t be a lot fun cleaning it up from around the house for the following week. A good warm shower, doggie dog wash or back yard hose off is an ideal way to wash off your summer days fun for a more relaxing evening.

WashBar Neem Fresh Shampoo

One of our favourite shampoo’s here at Pet Connect HQ is the Washbar Neem Fresh shampoo. Boasting only natural ingredients it smells minty fresh, lathers well and is ideal for sensitive skin. The Neem fresh shampoo helps fight itching, deters nasties like fleas and ticks; battles fungal infections; whitens whites and leaves a show quality shine...naturally (of course)!


Mahu Oils Cut Aid Cream

Adventures are definitely fun but as we all know an over excited pooch is prone to the odd scratch and cut. For small cuts, bruises and abrasions its always good to have the Mahu Oils cut aid cream in the cupboard. It’s made with all natural ingredients and helps you get your fluffy buddy back out on the next adventure quicker than a tent in a hurricane.




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